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ADCES Media Center
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For more information, contact Danielle McNary in ADCES® Media Relations at 312-601-4805 or [email protected].
Talking About Diabetes
Language & Diabetes in the Media
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Diabetes Care and Education Specialists Honored at Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists 2024 Annual Conference
August 12, 2024, NEW ORLEANS, LA—Eight diabetes care and education specialists (DCES) were recognized at the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists’ (ADCES®) 2024 Annual Conference for their achievements in diabetes care and their dedication to the association. The following awardees were honored:
The Diabetes Care and Education Specialist of the Year Award honors a DCES who has made a special contribution to the field through dedication, innovation and sensitivity in care. This award is sponsored by Xeris Pharmaceuticals.
Wendy Mobley-Bukstein, PharmD, BCACP, CDCES, CHWC, FAPH, FADCES
Dr. Mobley-Bukstein is a DCES and clinical pharmacist at a clinic in Des Moines, Iowa, where she provides direct care, education and mentoring for the next generation of pharmacists. She is also an instructor at Drake University’s College of Pharmacy and a researcher. Her recent focus has been on improving outcomes for older adults with diabetes and improving equitable use of CGM in underserved populations. Dr. Mobley-Bukstein is an active volunteer with national and local pharmacy associations, and with ADCES, where she is currently president and advocacy chair for the Iowa CB and a member of the national annual conference planning and technology committees.
The Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes outstanding contributions and service to ADCES and honors individuals who exemplify the proud history of diabetes care and education while serving as extraordinary role models.
Sandi Burke, PhD, RN, FADCES
Dr. Burke has devoted most of her professional life to the DCES specialty as well as teaching. As an advanced practice nurse and diabetes program coordinator at Carle Clinic in Central Illinois, she discovered a passion for collaborative diabetes care which led her to becoming a CDCES and BC-ADM, achieving program accreditation, working with the local diabetes camp and becoming a devoted ADCES volunteer. An ADCES member since 1987, Dr. Burke’s commitments to the association have included serving on the national board of directors starting in 2006 and culminated in serving as president in 2012. Over the years, she participated on numerous committees and task forces and served as liaison to the American Diabetes Association and the Certification Board for Diabetes Care and Education. Dr. Burke was recognized in 2016 with the Allene Van Son Distinguished Service award.
In honor of the first ADCES president, the Allene Van Son Distinguished Service Award recognizes outstanding contributions and service to the association.
Dr. Seley has been an ADCES member since 1986 and has served in various association roles, including two terms on the national board of directors. She more recently served as a member of the technology and research committees, was senior editor of content for danatech, and also chair of the Inpatient COI. She is an active clinician, researcher, speaker and author who is committed to innovative person-centered diabetes management and education and advancing diabetes technology as a tool to assist people living with diabetes and the health care professionals who care for them. Dr. Seley was recognized at the local level by the Metropolitan New York Local Networking Group, being named its diabetes educator of the year in 2008.
The Rising Star Award honors a diabetes care and education specialist who has five or fewer years of experience and has demonstrated leadership and commitment to diabetes care.
Mara Fiorio, MS, RD, BC-ADM, CDCES
Fiorio is a senior health educator at Molina Healthcare in Richmond, Virginia, where she has spearheaded several initiatives, including establishing monthly free in-person diabetes clinics, leading a successful “food as medicine” pilot Rx program to address food insecurity, and working with others to update the formulary to include more over-the-counter options and offer more benefits and services to people with diabetes. In addition to having earned CDCES and BC-ADM credentials, Fiorio is currently pursuing a doctorate in clinical nutrition with a research focus on food security and Type 2 diabetes. She also serves on the board of directors for the Virginia Coordinating Body and is chair for the annual meeting planning committee as well as chair of the disaster preparedness committee.
The Donna Tomky Award for Excellence in Clinical Practice recognizes a nurse practitioner who advances the integration of self-management behaviors with clinical management through practice, health plan or heath system innovation.
Tammie Payne, CRNP, MSN, RN, CDCES, CPT, NP-C
Payne has been working in diabetes care and education for over 35 years at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. In 2013, she recognized that there was a shortage of specialists in rural areas, which prompted her to work towards becoming a nurse practitioner. She is now a “one person team” providing clinical care and DSMES in a primary care practice. Payne holds many roles within the UPMC system, including serving as coordinator of 55 DSMES program sites, mentor and preceptor for nurse practitioners and students, and participating in several diabetes-related committees. Her work within ADCES is also extensive. She recently served as the Member Affiliates Liaison for the national board of directors and has volunteered in positions of responsibility with the Pennsylvania CB and the Western Pennsylvania Local Networking Group.
The Power of Our Impact Award recognizes a DCES for their day-to-day commitment and the impact they have on ensuring the best outcomes for persons with diabetes.
Elizabeth Hawk, MS, RDN, CDCES
Hawk is a seasoned dietitian and DCES based in Pennsylvania who has made significant contributions in clinical, community and corporate settings. She currently provides care to a workforce with a high incidence of diabetes. A few of her achievements in this area include realizing an average three percent reduction in AIC and working with the prescription benefits manager to eliminate copayment for medications and CGM. Hawk is passionate about addressing health care disparities, focusing on scaling chronic care education and lifestyle change programs to underserved areas. She is driven by a desire to create solutions to barriers that hinder individuals and programs from reaching their desired outcomes.
The Advancing the Vision Award recognizes an ADCES member with a program or project that advances the evidence-based strategies inspired by ADCES’s vision, mission and values.
Michelle Fischmann Magee, MD, LRCPSI.
A physician, educator and health services researcher, Dr. Magee’s team at MedStar Diabetes Institute in the Washington, D.C., area generated evidence that diabetes boot camp and diabetes education chatbot approaches can help with overcoming therapeutic inertia and promote access to person-centered DSMES among adults with Type 2 diabetes. Her work is now being translated and scaled into clinical practice across her health system. This project embodies ADCES’s mission to empower the DCES to expand their horizons within the realms of innovative education, management and support paradigms, while supporting entities need for the financial viability of programs.
The Research Award recognizes outstanding work in the scientific area of diabetes care and education.
Boon Peng Ng, PhD
Dr. Peng is a health economist and health services researcher, and assistant professor at the College of Nursing, Disability, Aging and Technology Cluster Initiative at the University of Central Florida. His area of research is in chronic disease, particularly diabetes, where he continues to serve as a guest researcher with the CDC Division of Diabetes. Dr. Peng is being awarded for his research abstract entitled: Digital Divide and Diabetes Self-management Education and Support among Medicare Beneficiaries. His project and results highlight the chasm that exists in the Medicare population when it comes to accessing digital resources for full-service virtual DSMES.
About The Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists
ADCES is an interdisciplinary professional membership organization dedicated to improving prediabetes, diabetes and cardiometabolic care through innovative education, management and support. With more than 12,000 professional members including nurses, dietitians, pharmacists and others, ADCES has a vast network of practitioners working to optimize care and reduce complications. ADCES supports an integrated care model that lowers the cost of care, improves experiences and helps its members lead so better outcomes follow. Learn more at adces.org.
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