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ADCES7 Self-Care Behaviors

Learn about this proven framework for self-management of diabetes and other related conditions.

Diabetes Self-Care

7 Diabetes Self-Care Behaviors

Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) is structured around seven diabetes self-care behaviors, known as the ADCES7 Self-Care Behaviors®. Diabetes care and education specialists can help you set priorities and work with you on improving your own management in each of the following areas.

ADCES7 Self-Care Behaviors

It's natural to have mixed feelings about your diabetes management and experience highs and lows. The important thing is to recognize these emotions as normal and take steps to reduce the negative impact they can have on your self-care.

Download a handout on Healthy Coping.

Also available in Spanish, Chinese, French and Tagalog


Having diabetes doesn't mean you have to give up your favorite foods or stop eating in restaurants. In fact, there's nothing you can’t eat! But you need to know how foods you eat affect your glucose levels and then make the right adjustments.

Download a handout on Healthy Eating.

Also available in SpanishChinese French and Tagalog

Being active has many health benefits that impact your diabetes management like lowering cholesterol, improving blood pressure, lowering stress and anxiety, and improving your mood.

Download a handout on Being Active

Also available in SpanishChinese, French and Tagalog

Insulin, pills that lower your blood sugar, blood pressure medication, cholesterol-lowering medication, or a number of other medications may work together to lower your blood sugar levels, reduce your risk of complications and help you feel better.

Download a handout on Taking Medication.   

Also available in SpanishChinese, French and Tagalog

Checking your glucose (sugar) levels and other key health factors like blood pressure, kidney and foot health regularly gives you vital information to help you make decisions about your diabetes.

Download a handout on Monitoring

Also available in Spanish, Chinese, French and Tagalog


By understanding the risks that cause negative outcomes and then taking actions to prevent them, you can lower your chance of having diabetes-related complications.

Download a handout on Reducing Risks. 

Also available in Spanish, Chinese, French and Tagalog


Everyone encounters problems with their diabetes management. You can't plan for every situation you may face, but there are some problem-solving skills that can help you prepare for the unexpected ─ and make a plan for dealing with similar problems in the future.

Download a handout on Problem Solving

Also available in Spanish, Chinese, French and Tagalog 

Learn More About DSMES & ADCES7

Watch our video in English below, or watch our Spanish version.