Date: Wednesday, July 16, 2025
Event Time: 1:00 - 2:00 pm ET
Please Note:
All times are Eastern. Webinars begin at 1:00 pm Eastern /
12:00 pm Central / 11:00 am Mountain / 10:00 am Pacific.
Up to 40% of people with T2D meet the criteria for binge eating disorder, yet specialist psychological support is rarely part of the treatment pathway. Disordered eating is a significant factor in not being able to follow a treatment plan, and many health professionals are frustrated by not knowing how to provide the support needed. This session helps attendees understand the complexity of emotional and binge eating, the personality traits so common in this sub-group of patients (and why it matters), and how specialist support can be integrated into the healthcare pathway, so people get ALL the support they need.
Learning Outcome
The overall goal/intended outcome is to enhance diabetes care and education specialists' understanding of the complexity of emotional and binge eating, the personality traits so common in this sub-group of patients (and why it matters), and how specialist support can be integrated into the healthcare pathway so people with diabetes get all the support they need.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to:
• Ask clear questions that encourage disclosure of emotional eating, and understand if they can support them within scope of practice, or know to refer them to specialist support
• Describe 2 new tools they can use to help people reduce episodes of emotional eating
• Explain the impact of trauma and how it presents in a healthcare setting
Activity Type
This is a knowledge-based learning activity. This
60-minute online session includes a presentation followed by a question-and-answer period.
Intended Audience
This activity is designed for diabetes care and education specialists, including nurses,
dietitians, pharmacists, nurse practitioners, physicians, PAs, social workers, and other health
care providers interested in staying up to date on current practices of care
for people with diabetes and other related conditions.