Oct 22, 2019, 13:29 PM
Do-it-yourself (DIY) artificial pancreas systems are gaining popularity among people who live with insulin-dependent diabetes. DIY systems give greater flexibility and personalization in insulin settings than current, commercially approved insulin delivery systems. Learn more about DIY artificial pancreas systems with these recommended resources.
Oct 15, 2019, 12:06 PM
We talk a lot as diabetes care and education specialists of meeting people where they are in their journey with diabetes and providing person-centered care. I wonder how many of us are meeting people where they are geographically?
Oct 8, 2019, 15:05 PM
Clinical Pharmacist and Certified Diabetes Educator Marisa Rowen at El Rio Heath in Arizona shares the three steps she took to maximize promotion of vaccines and to increase access to immunizations for PWDs in her healthcare system.
Sep 30, 2019, 17:37 PM
Self-care is a term that is increasingly used by the media, in technology and even in your favorite TV shows. But what does it mean and how does it translate to how diabetes care and education specialists can work with a person affected by diabetes? It all goes back to person-centered care.
Sep 19, 2019, 12:46 PM
Are you familiar with the relationship between diabetes and periodontal disease? In this blog post, Diptee Ohja of the American Dental Association briefly introduces the bidirectional relationship between the two and shares a resource you can use to asses the percentage of adults with diabetes in your practice who may need a referral to a comprehensive oral evaluation.
Sep 16, 2019, 15:45 PM
With continuous blood glucose monitoring (CGM) systems seen as increasingly effective tools, providers have started using loaner devices. These loaner devices allow providers to prescribe treatments that can be adjusted effectively without the individual having to make a full purchase of the CGM system.
Sep 4, 2019, 17:19 PM
AADE is proud to support our partner Children with Diabetes in their annual Friends for Life conference in Orlando. This year AADE awarded scholarships to two diabetes care and education specialists, as well as a family affected by diabetes. In this blog post, 14-year old scholarship recipient Richelleng shares her experience and learnings from this year's conference.
Aug 26, 2019, 14:20 PM
AADE recently transitioned to a new platform where AADE members and other interested advocates can learn about current legislation and contact their legislators. Learn more about the enhanced features of this new platform for diabetes advocacy here.
Aug 20, 2019, 08:30 AM
AADE Foundation scholarship recipient Suzanne Sheres shares her key learnings from Children with Diabetes' 2019 Friends for Life Conference in Orlando, including the use of language in diabetes care and education.
Aug 14, 2019, 12:08 PM
AADE Foundation scholarship recipient Matthew J. Naliborski shares his key learnings from Children with Diabetes' 2019 Friends for Life Conference in Orlando. Highlights include the use of language in diabetes care and education, and shared decision making between providers and people with diabetes.