April 2022: It’s Time to Put Your Hat in the Ring for Leadership
Apr 5, 2022, 17:21 PM
By Sara (Mandy) Reece, PharmD, CDCES, BC-ADM, BCACP, FADCES
Do you know about the upcoming ADCES national leadership opportunities? From April 1 - April 30 you have the chance to participate in ADCES’ search for 2023 leaders. You may already be serving within your local networking group, state coordinating body or community of interest (COI). I am a lot like you, I previously served within my local networking group in Atlanta and within the Pharmacy COI before I had the honor of serving on the board of directors and as treasurer. Following my time as treasurer, I continued to serve as a co-facilitator for my local networking group and as a member of the national advocacy committee. You may ask, what pathways are possible for your service within ADCES?
Many pathways of service within ADCES exist, and to serve in any of these opportunities we must simply be willing to put our hat in the ring. Maybe you are interested in stepping up to serve in a leadership role within your local networking community as a committee chair or co-facilitator. If you have been serving as a co-facilitator within your local networking group, your next step could be serving as a leader for your state coordinating body. If you are serving in a leadership role within your state coordinating body, your next step could be running for national board of directors. For those who have been active within your community of interest, you might consider a leadership position within your community of interest. Leaders within a community of interest might consider running for national board of directors. Later in the year, opportunities for service on national ad hoc or standing committees such as professional practice, research, or advocacy committees to name a few. While the most ideal pathway of service is unique for each member, a simple willingness to step out is the first step. So why serve?
As we grow our service step by step, the blessings and joy multiply beyond what we could ever imagine.
A few benefits that I have personally found most rewarding in service within ADCES are new friendships, personal development, professional connections, and service back to the specialty and people with diabetes. For me, the time spent sitting around the table working hard elbow to elbow with several others during my time on the board of directors created lifelong friendships. My skills in strategic planning, policy development and organizational planning grew dramatically throughout my journey of service. Many connections with fellow diabetes care and education specialists, and others who support DCESs and persons with or at risk for diabetes have been made possible through service to the association and specialty. Life’s greatest blessings most often come from giving rather than receiving. As we grow our service step by step, the blessings and joy multiply beyond what we could ever imagine.
Would you be willing to take the next step in your service to ADCES and our specialty? Consider serving within your local networking group, state coordinating body or community of interest. Or maybe it is time to consider an elected national leadership position. Your opportunity to put your hat in the ring for nominating committee, member affiliates liaison or board of directors is now! Applications opened April 1 and close on April 30. Time is of the essence so take the next step and learn more about the open postions at DiabetesEducator.org/Election. You can do this. If you want to learn more about the experience serving in ADCES leadership, you’re welcome to contact me directly!
ADCES Perspectives on Diabetes Care
The Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists Perspectives on Diabetes Care covers diabetes, prediabetes and other cardiometabolic conditions. Not all views expressed reflect the official position of the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists.
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