Get on the Fast Track to Becoming a Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program (MDPP) Supplier
Feb 9, 2024, 09:09 AM
By Angela Forfia, MA
ADCES Director, Prevention and Public Health Initiatives
You’re a pragmatist. You read lots of customer feedback about that new smartphone before you upgrade. You wait weeks or months for that fancy pair of earbuds until the price goes down. And as a diabetes care and education specialist, you certainly don’t buy that newfangled kitchen gadget, piece of fitness gear or meal tracking app until it has been widely assessed by the experts.
Even seeing the words “fast track” gives you some heartburn. And if you’ve been following the Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program, you may have actual indigestion. Wasn’t there a complex array of G-Codes, value-based payment models, a lengthy recognition process for suppliers and a two-year curriculum? Wasn’t it all just too complicated?
As a fellow pragmatist, who is absolutely delighted about the changes in MDPP, I hope this blog will leave you saying:
- Good things do come to those who wait!
- I need to get on that fast-track STAT!
2024 is the year for your accredited/recognized DSMES program to activate Medicare DPP. Why?
And even more exciting? A fast-track is available for accredited or recognized DMSES programs to get this program started STAT and get support! That means that you can apply to be a Medicare DPP supplier immediately instead of having to wait a year or more before achieving CDC preliminary recognition. If you complete the CDC application today, get started on the Medicare application process by the end of February, you may* be billing Medicare DPP claims by spring!
Need help? We are all here for you! Reach out to ADCES or CDC for support on how to get on the fast track to advancing diabetes prevention in your community. We’ll give you pragmatic, real-world advice on how to make this program work for your organization and your community.
*Remember, I'm a pragmatist, and I can’t predict exactly when your local MAC will approve your application and when you will start your program, but spring is totally reasonable!