Perspectives on Diabetes Care
This is the official blog of the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists where we share recent research and professional opinions on diabetes care and education.
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Updates on Taking and Monitoring Medication
Aug 3, 2012, 00:00 AM
I hope everyone is having a fabulous time attending AADE 12! As a Virtual Meeting participant this year, I have been watching some of the breakout sessions “on demand” or at my leisure but still really miss the the real thing. For under $200, AADE members can earn up to 10.5 hrs CEs. As of Friday afternoon the two General Sessions I was really looking forward to watching are still part of a live period and are not yet available "on demand" so I decided to watch a breakout session.
From “Literature to Practice: Updates on Medication Taking and Monitoring” was my first session. I first noticed the quality of the slides were blurry and a little hard to read. One of my favorite parts of the virtual meeting is the help desk chat where during certain hours they have someone online there to answer your questions immediately. They helped direct me to the slides to the presentation under “Resources” then “Breakout Sessions." Now I at least had one of the presenters slides of the session for reference which was helpful.
Here are a few notes I made:
10-15% of people never fill their prescriptions and if they do fill it, 15% never re-fill their prescription
People over 65 are the most medication adherent population
African Americans have less adherence to their medications than Caucasians
Medication adherence decreases if patients have to take a pill more than once a day
Diarrhea and hypoglycemia are the most common side effects that cause people to stop taking their medication
I look forward to watching more of the sessions as they become available. For those of you in Indy, I hope you had a fabulous time and safe travels home!