Perspectives on Diabetes Care
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Healthy Eating During the Holidays
Dec 20, 2011, 00:00 AM

The holidays can be a tough time – preparing for visits with family and friends, cleaning, shopping, mailing packages to loved ones that you may not get to personally see. It is easy to put your diabetes on the back burner – Whatever your situation, you need to still be mindful of your diabetes.
Despite a busy schedule, you will feel better and not have to do quite as much "damage control" if you try to stick with your diabetes management program.
Holiday gatherings most always revolve around food. Pick a "safe" snack and take it with you to all the parties. Be the one to offer the veggie tray with a low fat dressing. Look at magazines or google new recipes – you are not the only one looking for healthier eating ideas.
Have a healthy snack before you go so that you are not ravenous – this will prevent you from eating everything in sight as soon as you hit the door.
While at the parties, pick out a few foods that will be worth spending your calories on. Enjoy them and move away from the food area.
Find an interesting person to talk to – either an old friend or perhaps a new person who you can "interview". Ask questions about their latest vacation, what book they are reading, what they do for a living or what they do in their spare time. Everyone loves to talk about themselves and maybe if you get lucky, they will ask you some questions so you can share your information with them.
Pick low calorie/low carb beverages. Look up your favorite drink and be aware of the calories and carb content. You might want to also look at other options that might be healthier. If you are going to have a mixed drink, be sure it is mixed in a diet soda. Also pace yourself and space the drinks out over a period of time.
Look for ways to increase your activity. Park at one end of the shopping center or mall and walk back and forth. Make several trips to the car to unload your packages. Suggest that friends get together for activities – skating, bowling, dancing or cross country skiing if possible.
Most of all have fun and enjoy the holiday season. Remember if you totally blow it – you can start back on your diabetes management routine tomorrow.
Start some new traditions – new foods, new friends, new activities for the New Year.
Until next year – be safe and take care.