60-minute Program
Effective dates for CE credit: 9/29/2022 – 9/29/2025
Well-trained and highly motivated lifestyle coaches have significant impacts on participant outcomes in CDC-recognized lifestyle change programs. But, once coaches complete their initial lifestyle coach training, how does your organization help them grow their skills as diabetes prevention specialists? In this webinar, participants will learn about three new resources designed to allow coaches, and their mentors, to assess key competencies, enhance coaching quality, and identify opportunities for continuous improvement. Through best practice case studies, and real-world examples, speakers will demonstrate how your diabetes prevention program can take your lifestyle coaching from good to great through ongoing quality improvement.
Learning Outcome
The diabetes care team will have an increased understanding of how to conduct their own self-assessments, observe lifestyle coaches, provide constructive feedback, and engage in continuous quality improvement.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:
-- Discuss the importance of lifestyle coaching to achieving health outcomes in the diabetes prevention program
-- Identify key competencies of lifestyle coaches in the diabetes prevention program
-- Review Lifestyle Coach Assessment Resources to enhance skills and program delivery
-- Discuss the observation process and how to provide feedback
-- Summarize opportunities for local self-assessment, observation, and continuing quality improvement
Activity Type
This recording of a live presentation is a knowledge-based learning activity.
Learning Format
Enduring Material
Intended Audience
ADCES Webinars are designed for individual or groups of diabetes care and education specialists, including nurses, dietitians, dietetic technicians, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, physicians, PAs, social workers, and other health care providers interested in staying up to date on current practices of care for people with diabetes and other related conditions.
Access Period
You will have access to this learning activity for a period of six months after you enroll, or whenever the activity's CE credits expire (whichever comes first).
Originally presented on: 9/29/2022
Expiration date: 9/29/2025