The Dexcom G7 app, available for both iOS and Android, continuously communicates with the Dexcom G7 sensor so users can see their glucose numbers on their Apple or Android smart phone or smart watch in real time. Users can see their current glucose readings, where they are heading, and where they have been, along with how food and activity impact their glucose levels on the home screen.
Directions for How to Download Dexcom G7 App can be emailed to individuals or attached via the Patient Portal for remote instructions.
For complete information, visit Dexcom
Using the app, individuals can:
View their trend graph and Clarity summary that enables visualization of high or low trends over the last 3, 14, 30, and 90 days.
Customize alert level, sound/vibrate, and snooze
Integrate with the Clarity platform, making their data available to their HCP
Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) is structured around seven diabetes self-care behaviors, known as the ADCES7 Self-Care Behaviors®. Diabetes care and education specialists can help you set priorities and work with you on improving your own management in each of the following areas:
To get your glucose readings and alerts, or to share with your followers, the app must run in the background. Keep G7 app open in the background at all times. If you accidentally "hard close" the app and it is not communicating with the sensor, just tap the app and reopen.
Location permission is required for the Android (OS 10 and OS 11) Bluetooth implementation for connection and communication with the G7 sensor.
Automatic Dexcom G7 app and/or smartphone operating system updates can change settings or shut down the Dexcom app, it is recommended to always update smart phones manually and always verify correct device settings after the phone is updated.
Recommended iPhone settings for the G7 can be found here
Recommended Android phone settings for the G7 can be found here
The Mirror iPhone Alert feature in the G7 phone app is used to receive alerts on an iPhone watch in either Standard Smartwatch mode or in Direct to Watch mode. Compatible Smartwatch Models can be found here.
Dexcom Follow: Dexcom G7 lets users share glucose levels with up to 10 people who use the separate Dexcom Follow app. Followers can view the individuals glucose numbers remotely from their smart device.
Apple Health: Users can share glucose data with Apple Health, a health and fitness tracking app included on Apple devices on a 3-hour delay. Apple Health displays your glucose data within the Apple Health Dashboard.
Smart Watches: Users can see their glucose numbers right on their Apple or Android smart watch in real time.
Users can add a shortcut (and custom phrase) in order to ask Siri to read their current glucose value when using an iPhone.
Google Assistant can access glucose data from a Dexcom G7 sensor through the Google Health Connect integration, allowing users to ask voice commands to get current glucose level, but there will be a delay in the data displayed of a few hours.
The G7 App is not:
Users may not get glucose data while they are immersed in water while they are swimming or bathing however once the sensor resumes reading, back data will be available including:
Users cannot edit, delete, or enter past calibrations.
Google Assistant can access glucose data via voice commands, but there might be a delay of a few hours in the glucose data reported via voice or displayed.
Users can track insulin doses, meals, activity, and blood glucose (BG) meter values in the G7 App.
Events can be tracked anytime, as they occur or up to 30 days later. Events can also be deleted in the App.
The event logging feature can be used to calibrate the G7 sensor. Users cannot edit, delete, or enter past calibrations.
Keep the phone app within 20 feet of the sensor for continuous updates
Review How to Download and Set up the Dexcom G7 app instructions before using
To view patients data, providers can use the Clarity Clinic Portal once individuals are connected to the Clinic's account.
Directions for patients to connect their G7 App can be found here.
This is a user app. To view patients data, providers use the Clarity Clinic Portal. The patient needs to have the clarity app on their phone in addition to the G7 app.
Dexcom CARE team of diabetes coaches can be contacted at 1-877-339-2664.
For 24/7 support, you can also contact Dexcom Global Technical Support at 1-844-607-8398.
This site and its services do not constitute the practice of medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always talk to your diabetes care and education specialist or health care provider for diagnosis and treatment, including your specific medical needs. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem or condition, please contact a qualified health care professional immediately. To find a diabetes care and education specialist near you, visit the ADCES finder tool.
ADCES and danatech curate product specifics and periodically review them for accuracy and relevance. As a result, the information may or may not be the most recent. We recommend visiting the manufacturer's website for the latest details if you have any questions.