Written by: ADCES staff and subject matter expert faculty
August 2024
Worksheet 1: Evaluate the Value (Pros) and Challenges (Cons) of Professional CGM Program
Worksheet 2: Identify Outcomes of a Successful Professional CGM Program
Worksheet 3: Form Your Team (Professional CGM Program)
Worksheet 4: Define Team Member Roles and Responsibilities (Professional CGM Program)
Worksheet 5: Identify Program Processes and Assign Tasks to Team Members (Professional CGM Program)
Worksheet 6: Billing and Coding (Professional CGM Program)
Worksheet 8: Inventory Management Protocol (Professional CGM Program)
Worksheet 9: Sample Protocol – Who Needs Professional CGM
Worksheet 10: Professional CGM Process Flow
Worksheet 11: Sample Instructions for Professional CGM for the Person with Diabetes
Our experts have outlined 12 key steps to get you started and set you up for success.
Begin by outlining benefits to the people with diabetes, providers and practice.
Meet with support staff to identify any concerns they have and obtain their buy-in Identify outcomes of a successful Professional CGM Program, both to people with diabetes and to the practice. See Worksheet 2 ProWS2
Enthusiastic and well-qualified team members will ensure a successful launch of the program. In this phase you will need to identify who will be on the team and what their roles will be.
Defining the billing process before you begin will help ensure that all potential roadblocks are anticipated, identified and addressed. Make a list of the common insurance payors that your patients may have. Investigate what their policies are surrounding Professional CGM use. Educate staff on the billing codes to utilize for Professional CGM.
See Worksheet ProWS6
Refer to table below to evaluate the features. Both manufacturers provide excellent resources for their devices.
Logging Other Events. Event markers, such as exercise, food intake and medications taken, can be logged in the app with Dexcom when in the unblinded mode. When using the Abbott Freestyle Libre Pro, these events are logged on a paper diary and need to be compared side-by-side with the glucose data download.
Length of Wear. Determine if length of time for sensor wear is important.
Blinded or Unblinded. Determine need for blinded versus unblinded device.
Compare the download reports for ease of interpretation and completeness
Once you have determined which device you will purchase and stock in your program, you will need to make a contract with the vendor. You will want to address customer service, IT support and other business needs. For example, how many devices do you need? The Abbott Freestyle Libre Pro and Dexcom G6 Pro systems utilize disposable sensors and transmitters along with a multiple use reader. You want to ensure that your inventory items will not expire before they are used.
See Worksheet 8 ProWS 8
Staff will need to be trained on patient selection, use/ maintenance of the device, providing instructions to patient, diagnosis/coding/billing, documentation, interpretation and the process for dissemination of results to patient.
See worksheet 9 ProWS9
Start planning annual training refresher now
Adding a Professional CGM Program to your practice will require changes to your current workflow. You have already identified the roles of your team members, so you are aware of what new responsibilities they will be taking on. It is helpful to document the Professional CGM process from start to finish so you have a clear understanding of all steps.
See worksheet 10 ProWS10
Ensure that all team members are aware of their roles and responsibilities. Proper staff preparation will make sure that the team is on board with the plan and motivated to put in their best effort to help make it a success. Remember to start process evaluation as soon as the implementation stage kicks off.
The Professional CGM Program will require frequent and active input from the person with diabetes. It is vitally important to hold a conversation with them that provides education for them about the importance of tracking food intake, exercise and diabetes medication timing. They need to know that the interpretation of the results requires these inputs for best comprehension.
You are now ready to try out your new program! All the pieces should be in place. Stress the importance of educating and preparing the patient with the team. Solicit feedback and ideas from staff and patients throughout the implementation process. Start tracking success measures at program initiation.
Program evaluation is an ongoing process. Refer often to the metrics of program success that you have identified. Celebrate once you are meeting these success points. If you are not meeting them, determine what the obstacles and challenges are. Practice continuous quality improvement. Be thoughtfully and quickly responsive to suggestions/ideas/feedback.
Planning for the future of your Professional CGM program is a crucial component of a successful program. What are the next steps for your program? Do you want to establish a satellite location? Do you want to start incorporating personal CGM into your practice? Do you want to start working with patients remotely? Do you want to offer an additional CGM product in your program?
Integrating Diabetes Technology into Primary Care Part 1: Overview and Clinical Scenarios
Integrating Diabetes Technology into Primary Care Part 2: Interactive Case Studies
Putting Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) into Practice Certificate Program, FREE for members
This site and its services do not constitute the practice of medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always talk to your diabetes care and education specialist or health care provider for diagnosis and treatment, including your specific medical needs. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem or condition, please contact a qualified health care professional immediately. To find a diabetes care and education specialist near you, visit the ADCES finder tool.
ADCES and danatech curate product specifics and periodically review them for accuracy and relevance. As a result, the information may or may not be the most recent. We recommend visiting the manufacturer's website for the latest details if you have any questions.