
Happy Bob

Happy Bob engages users with their diabetes data, creating a gamified experience. The smartphone app notifies users of glucose trends and motivates them with personal statistics, awards and encouraging messages.

Users sync real-time continuous glucose monitor (CGM) data to Happy Bob upon set-up. The app is compatible with the Dexcom G6 and Dexcom G7 CGMs.

For complete information, visit Happy Bob.

App Category:
  • Diabetes Self-Management Tools &/or Education
  • Remote Monitoring
Intended User:
  • Caregiver
  • Healthcare Providers
  • Person with Diabetes

Using the app, users can:

  • earn stars for optimal glycemic control
  • integrate Dexcom CGM data
  • view a scoreboard with personal diabetes statistics
  • make diabetes management less stressful with a game-style approach
  • log their mood
  • connect with other users (diabuddies) for support
  • turn on “Snarky Bob” for funny, snarky messages from Bob
  • sync with Apple Health, Apple Watch and Google Health Connect.
  • connect to their practice
  • be followed by a caregiver

Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) is structured around seven diabetes self-care behaviors, known as the ADCES7 Self-Care Behaviors®. Diabetes care and education specialists can help you set priorities and work with you on improving your own management in each of the following areas:

  • Healthy Coping - Staying positive about diabetes and self-care.
  • Monitoring - Tracking data influencing diabetes outcomes.
  • Problem Solving - Identifying and solving issues for better diabetes outcomes.

The Happy Bob smartphone app is available for Android or Apple devices. DashBob is a desktop dashboard where users can log in and view their data on their desktop.

To share data from Dexcom with Happy Bob, users should ensure “Share” is enabled in the Dexcom app settings.

Is Happy Bob Safe and Secure? 

Happy Bob is available in several countries, so the app’s data encryption protocols vary on the user’s location. Users may view Happy Bob’s privacy policy or email [email protected] for more information.

Compatibility with Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems:
Health Provider Access to Patient Data:
Secure Messaging or Communication Channels:
Device Integrations:

Compatibility with Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems: No

Cost details for integration: See subscription details below

Device integration: Dexcom G6 and G7

iOS, Android, computer availability: Yes

Patient data viewable by care partners: yes

Secure messaging or communication channels: No

IOS, Android, Computer Availability:
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Computer

Android and iOS devices have accessibility features that can be enabled and used with many downloadable apps. Happy Bob does not have any additional accessibility features.

The app does not:

  • allow users to set custom glucose target ranges
  • recommend diabetes treatments or therapies
  • replace notifications or real-time monitoring from a CGM
  • substitute self-monitoring practices advised by a health care provider
  • sync with non-Dexcom CGMs.

Happy Bob users should:

  • enter a Dexcom username and password to sync Dexcom data with Happy Bob after downloading the app
  • get an invitation code from another user to join a Happy Bob group where they can meet “diabuddies,” share their data and motivate each other
  • use Happy Bob as a secondary display of their CGM application
  • visit Happy Bob’s FAQ page to learn how to add a Happy Bob iOS widget to their home screen and lock screen.

Use in Practice:

How Can I Use Happy Bob in My Practice?

Happy Bob has a new Provider and Care Team Dashboard. It provides a quick comprehensive patient view to help access daily CGM activity, usage, reports and alerts providers to patient status so the care team knows when it needs to intervene and contact the patient. This feature is to help simplify health data visualization to support both patients and their care team in one dashboard.

How Does Happy Bob Benefit My Patients?

Happy Bob aims to make glycemic control less stressful and more fun. Happy Bob may help patients stay motivated when they:

  • connect with DiaBudddies and share experiences
  • earn stars and unlock awards for keeping their glucose in range
  • receive personalized messages and notifications from Happy Bob.
Professional Portal Availability:
Happy Bob has a new Provider and Care Team Dashboard that is projected to be released in June 2024. It provides a quick comprehensive patient view to help access daily CGM activity, usage, reports and alerts providers to patient status so the care team knows when it needs to intervene and contact the patient.  This feature is to help simplify health data visualization to support both patients and their care team in one dashboard.

Users must pay a monthly or yearly subscription for Happy Bob. View the Apple Store page or Google Play page for current subscription prices

  • Type 1 Diabetes
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Pediatric
  • Pre-Diabetes


Happy Bob is available in several countries, so the app’s data encryption protocols vary on the user’s location. Users may view Happy Bob’s privacy policy or email [email protected] for more information.

The app complies with current and applicable privacy regulations, including:

  • California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  • Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

Users can find answers to FAQs and view the app’s manual for troubleshooting.

Email: [email protected]

Schedule a Demo: Contact Happy Bob 

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This site and its services do not constitute the practice of medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always talk to your diabetes care and education specialist or health care provider for diagnosis and treatment, including your specific medical needs. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem or condition, please contact a qualified health care professional immediately. To find a diabetes care and education specialist near you, visit the ADCES finder tool.

ADCES and danatech curate product specifics and periodically review them for accuracy and relevance. As a result, the information may or may not be the most recent. We recommend visiting the manufacturer's website for the latest details if you have any questions.