Rx Redefined is a healthcare-focused digital platform designed to streamline the process of prescribing, accessing, and managing durable medical equipment (DME) and medical supplies.
Providers may use Rx Redefined as either:
Full-Service Product: Guides physicians to act as a licensed DMEPOS suppliers meeting the DMEPOS supplier standard requirements.
For more information contact Rx Redefined
Electronic Prescribing Process
Healthcare providers are able to prescribe DME and supplies directly to the individual with diabetes– the platform integrates with electronic healthcare systems.
Allows for real-time Insurance verification
Provides clear visibility into product availability, costs, and insurance coverage helping with informed decisions.
Centralized Platform
Allows patients and providers to manage orders, track deliveries, and ensure compliance with prescription requirements and insurance policies.
Billing and Auditing
Rx Redefined systems can be used for billing and auditing purposes
The platform is continuously updated to regulations and payer policies to ensure practices remain compliant.
Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) is structured around seven diabetes self-care behaviors, known as the ADCES7 Self-Care Behaviors®. Diabetes care and education specialists can help you set priorities and work with you on improving your own management in each of the following areas:
Used in office by staff, training provided by company
Can be used at multiple clinic sites.
Accessed by provider on computer.
Rx Redefined is a DME (Durable Medical Equipment) platform and does not provide medications for diabetes care
Rx Redefined is not available in every clinic, a provider must contract with Rx Redefined for a fee
Rx Redefined does not integrate with every EHR (contact Rx Redefined for the EHR's that it does integrate with)
Rx Redefined has more than one option for use in a practice. It is important to learn and understand what best option fits your practice.
Staff needs to be trained to use the platform.
While Rx Redefined is HIPAA compliant, staff needs to be trained to ensure that they conduct themselves in a HIPAA compliant manner.
Rx Redefine allows healthcare providers a one place access to order prescriptive diabetes supplies for their patients.
Benefit to Patients: Streamlines the provision of prescribed equipment including insurance approval processes. The company states that they help prevent needed products being switched to a different manufacturer from what was prescribed due to various systemic reasons.
Providers should contact an Rx Redefined representative for pricing information.
There is no charge to patients to get their supplies through Rx Redefined.
HIPAA Compliant to ensure information is securely stored and transmitted properly in order to protect patient privacy
Encrypted Systems that prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information.
Documentation aligns with CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) requirements.
Rx Redefined
Customer Support (510) 859-7424 x 2
This site and its services do not constitute the practice of medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always talk to your diabetes care and education specialist or health care provider for diagnosis and treatment, including your specific medical needs. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem or condition, please contact a qualified health care professional immediately. To find a diabetes care and education specialist near you, visit the ADCES finder tool.
ADCES and danatech curate product specifics and periodically review them for accuracy and relevance. As a result, the information may or may not be the most recent. We recommend visiting the manufacturer's website for the latest details if you have any questions.