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ADCES2023 has tech (& puppies, too)!

Nov 16, 2023
LaurieAnn Scher, MS, RD, CDCES, FADCES Co-Lead ADCES Diabetes Technology COI
ADCES 2023 is full of amazing educational sessions, exhibitors, and opportunities for hands-on learning with a tech focus and since I don’t want to bury the lead, this year we also get puppies!

ADCES 2023 is full of amazing educational sessions, exhibitors, and opportunities for hands-on learning with a tech focus and since I don’t want to bury the lead, this year we also get puppies!

These are the tech sessions that I am especially looking forward to attending along with the ones that I have the privilege to moderate.

On Friday, August 4 at 9:45 a.m., John D. Ruck, DNP, FNP, BC-ADM, CDCES and Jennifer Fletcher, BSN, RN, CDCES are presenting Unlock the Mystery of Which Pump Settings to Change for an Intended Effect this session will cover how to adjust closed-loop pump settings based on glucose data, and which “lever to pull” in order to get the desired result. And since most closed-loop pump algorithms are proprietary, they will discuss current insights into how the algorithms work– save my seat for that one!

At 1:30 on Friday, a panel of individuals who co-wrote the paper on the Diabetes Technology Competencies will be speaking about how the technology competencies can be applied in diverse care settings and will provide workflow models and templates for standard operating procedures and EHR’s in the session Use the ADCES Diabetes Technology Competencies to Improve Care and Education.  Stay tuned for a new danatech tool (in development) that will help all of us make use of these technology competencies for professional growth and development of the diabetes care team.

Eat Your Way Through CGM Reports on Saturday at 3:45 has captured my attention as someone who has seen the power of CGM as a powerful tool for behavior change. I look forward to seeing the real-world examples that will be presented and learning about new resources, practice pearls and tools to inspire people to use CGM to its full potential.

This next presentation may appeal to individuals who love to help people with diabetes make sense of all the data that they are collecting from the technology that they are using day in and day out. As we all know, data is only useful when we can make sense of it and it helps improve daily care and outcomes. In Uncover Common Data Patterns in Device Reports with Shared Decision Making on Sunday, August 6 at 2:00, I look forward to seeing technology enabled support take center stage for shared decision making in patient-centered care based on the data collected from these devices.

The session Address Health Disparities with a CGM Remote Patient Monitoring Program on Monday at 8:55 AM will review the barriers to technology utilization in underserved populations as well as practical strategies to overcome these barriers and increase technology use. The speaker will share information about their CGM remote patient monitoring program designed to specifically address health disparities observed in underserved populations.

These sessions below that offer general information and how to apply them are great regardless of your level of tech expertise.

  • Increase Adoption and Optimization of Technology in Your Diabetes Specialist Role on Friday at 4:15 PM
  • Benefit From the Diabetes Technology Decision Support Provided by PANTHERTools on Saturday at 10:40 AM
  • Integrate Diabetes Technology Using a Team-Based Approach to Optimize Workflow on Sunday at 10:40 AM
  • Navigate Virtual Care: Configure Technology and Collaborate with Patients on Sunday at 2:55 PM
  • Overcome Barriers to Use Technology in Under-Resourced Communities on Monday at 9:50 AM
  • Manage Diabetes Technology During Transitions of Care: Hands Off My Device! On Monday at 9:50 AM
  • Become a Diabetes Technology Champion: A Perspective from the Trenches on Monday at 12:35 PM

As if all these technology focused sessions weren’t enough to warrant the need for roller skates for ADCES2023, I would like to add some don’t miss hands-on sessions from Abbott, Bigfoot, Dexcom, Glooko, and Insulet. If you have not gotten an email to sign up, visit the booth on Friday first thing so you don’t miss out.

The Center Stage of the Exhibit Hall will also have some great Tech-centric presentations. Here is a schedule of offerings.

Friday 11:30 - The Brains Behind the Brains of the MiniMed 780G

Friday 12:30 - Food Fitness First

Saturday 9:15 EverSense CGM System

Saturday 11:30 - Nevro HFX Spinal Cord Stimulation for Diabetic Neuropathy

Saturday 2:30 – Omnipod 5

Sunday 9:15 – Milton Ai

Sunday 12:35 Malama Health

If you have read this far, I am sure that you have stayed around to find out where you can find the puppies! ReliOn is bringing adoptable (adorable) puppies for us to play with while we learn. Check out ReliOn meters listed on danatech.

As you can garner from this summary, I am looking forward to learning, learning, learning at ADCES2023, but if you don’t see me in a session, participating in a hands-on, or at Center Stage, you can find me with the puppies.

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ADCES and danatech curate product specifics and periodically review them for accuracy and relevance. As a result, the information may or may not be the most recent. We recommend visiting the manufacturer's website for the latest details if you have any questions.