Nov 7, 2018, 09:33 AM
Get a summary of the 2018 consensus guidelines from the American Diabetes Association and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes. Jennifer Clements presents the top ten pharmacotherapy takeaways.
Nov 2, 2018, 09:54 AM
Marisabel had experienced a lot of chest pain and fatigue for the past month. She finally decided to go to the doctor and was shocked when they told her to go to the emergency room after finding a dangerously high blood glucose result.
Nov 1, 2018, 08:30 AM
Preparing for the transition from adolescence to adulthood with diabetes is something most parents fear and most clinicians are ill-prepared for. Molly McElwee-Malloy shares her thoughts on how diabetes educators can caulk the gap in diabetes care for adolescents.
Oct 30, 2018, 12:39 PM
With the roll-out of DANA in August, AADE has provided diabetes educators with an exciting opportunity to experience “one-stop shopping” to access a comprehensive technology database that offers so much.
Oct 23, 2018, 17:07 PM
People with diabetes may be at an increased risk for bone and joint problems due to poor circulation, obesity and nerve damage. Here are 5 way diabetes educators can promote bone and joint health among people with diabetes.
Oct 19, 2018, 15:10 PM
School life can be tough but living with diabetes adds challenges that many people might not recognize. Understanding these challenges and how to work through them are critical for not just the child and family, but for classmates, school personnel and the diabetes care team.
Oct 19, 2018, 14:17 PM
As a nurse, Maggie was familiar with health education since she often had to relay it to her patients. But when she received a surprise diagnosis of type 2 diabetes in 2012, it meant she had to step into a more proactive role when managing her diabetes. Fortunately, a diabetes educator was there to help.
Oct 16, 2018, 16:06 PM
Jennifer Clements loves discussing obesity management in and out of her clinical practice. In this blog, she discusses the findings of a study looking at the cardiovascular safety of the anti-obesity medication lorcaserin.
Oct 15, 2018, 13:23 PM
Carla Cox provides an update recap of the American Diabetes Association and the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes' new guidance on care and education for children with type 1 diabetes.
Oct 12, 2018, 11:46 AM
On September 18, 2018, diabetes research pioneer and icon Lois Jovanovic, MD passed away. Dr. Jovanovic forever changed the area of pregnancy and diabetes by developing protocols that made it possible for women with diabetes to deliver healthy babies.