Featured Member - Melliza "Millay" C. Young, MD, MSGH, CDCES, CMPE, CHCQM, FABQAURP
Melliza "Millay" C. Young, MD, MSGH, CDCES, CMPE, CHCQM, FABQAURP, has been an ADCES® member for 7 years.
Why do you love being a member?
My membership with ADCES opened many doors of opportunities, not only in furthering my knowledge on this field, but in connecting with fellow CDCES’s who come from various disciplines. Because of the inter-professional, multidisciplinary membership of the association, our diversity lends unique perspectives that are needed in today's practice to meaningfully address the complex issues surrounding diabetes and other cardiometabolic conditions.
What is your favorite part about being a diabetes care and education specialist?
Regardless of our educational background, training or practice setting, diabetes care and education specialists all aspire for the same goal—to provide patient-centered, relevant and high-quality care among people with diabetes and their families.
Top five ADCES resources/programs?
ADCES7 self-care behaviors tip sheets, ADCES Connect, Annual Conference, Perspectives on Diabetes Care, danatech
What is one piece of advice you would give to a new diabetes care and education specialist or someone considering the profession?
If you are seeking purpose, growth and flexibility in your career, there is nothing better out there than becoming a diabetes care and education specialist!